Thursday, January 24, 2013

Virgo mountain [Dev'i gory], 1919

Virgo mountain | Dev'i gory

Virgo mountain [Dev'i gory], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Aleksandr Sanin
Screenwriter       Evgenij Chirikov
Operator       Vladislav Starevich
Urij Zhelyabuzhskij
Artist       Viktor Simov
Genre       Drama [play]
Premiere date (Russia)       January 1, 1919
Duration       85 min. / 01:25
Actors       Nikolaj Podgornyj
V. Aleksandrovskij
Sergej Aidarov
Nadezhda Smirnova
Elizaveta Najdenova
E. Suhacheva
Evgeniya Raevskaya
Dzh. Budzhalov
Rating       5.50 / 10 [votes: 2]
IMDB Rating       8.10 / 10 [votes: 6]

An attempt to create a stylized fairy epics on themes Volga legend of the Antichrist. The film was shown only once - in September 1921, in Petrograd during the "Film Week to help the starving".

Children - flowers of life [Deti – cvety zhizni], 1919

Children - flowers of life | Deti – cvety zhizni

Children - flowers of life [Deti – cvety zhizni], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Urij Zhelyabuzhskij
Screenwriter       Nikolaj Tihonov
Urij Zhelyabuzhskij
Operator       Urij Zhelyabuzhskij
Artist       Sergej Kozlovskij
Premiere date (Russia)       January 1, 1919
Actors       Anna Dmohovskaya
Anatolij Nelidov
V. Osvetinskij
Rating       7.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

The film shows two families. One is a sickly child to traditional healers, he dies. Another family complies with all requirements of doctors, the child grows up healthy.

Iron heel [Zheleznaya pyata], 1919

Iron heel | Zheleznaya pyata

Iron heel [Zheleznaya pyata], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Evgenij Ivanov-Barkov
Screenwriter       Evgenij Ivanov-Barkov
Dzhek London
Operator       Grigorij Giber
Aleksandr Levickij
Premiere date (Russia)       November 7, 1919
Actors       Leonid Leonidov
Ol'ga Preobrazhenskaya
Aleksandr Shahalov
Nikolaj Znamenskij
Andrej Gorchilin
Ol'ga Bonus
Rating       9.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

The film is a screen adaptation of the novel by Jack London episodes. On a plot of the far future historians to study the documents of the XX century, in which is described the crisis in the United States, the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship and the subsequent world revolution.

Red flag [Za krasnoe znamya], 1919

Red flag | Za krasnoe znamya

Red flag [Za krasnoe znamya], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Vladimir Kas'yanov
Editor       Vladimir Gardin
Premiere date (Russia)       February 23, 1919
Rating       2.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

Propaganda film. The film was shot in 18 days after treatment kinokomiteta Moscow (February 4, 1919) to private film companies inviting them to take part in the production of films for the first anniversary of the Red Army.

Intimidated bourgeois [Zapugannyj burzhuj], 1919

Intimidated bourgeois | Zapugannyj burzhuj

Intimidated bourgeois [Zapugannyj burzhuj], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Mihail Verner
Screenwriter       Lev Nikulin
Yakov Yadov
Operator       Aleksandr Stanke
Rating       7.50 / 10 [votes: 2]

Irina Negludova [Irina Negludova], 1919

Irina Negludova | Irina Negludova

Irina Negludova [Irina Negludova], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Viktor Turzhanskij
Actors       Natal'ya Kovan'ko
Rating       4.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

Lieutenant Schmidt - freedom fighter [Lejtenant Shmidt — borec za svobodu], 1919

Lieutenant Schmidt - freedom fighter | Lejtenant Shmidt — borec za svobodu

Lieutenant Schmidt - freedom fighter [Lejtenant Shmidt — borec za svobodu], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Actors       Leonid Utesov
Rating       0.00

People die for metal [Ludi gibnut za metall], 1919

People die for metal | Ludi gibnut za metall

People die for metal [Ludi gibnut za metall], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Aleksandr Volkov
Genre       Short film
Actors       Zoya Karabanova
Iona Talanov
Urij Urovskij
Nikolaj Rimskij
Elizaveta Valerskaya
Ol'ga Kondorova
Rating       4.50 / 10 [votes: 2]

Peace to huts, war to palaces [Mir hizhinam, vojna dvorcam], 1919

Peace to huts, war to palaces | Mir hizhinam, vojna dvorcam

Peace to huts, war to palaces [Mir hizhinam, vojna dvorcam], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       M. Bonch-Tomashevskij
Screenwriter       Boris Leonidov
Lev Nikulin
Operator       Vladimir Dobrozhansky
Rating       0.00

Emperor's new clothes [Novoe plat'e korolya], 1919

Emperor's new clothes | Novoe plat'e korolya

Emperor's new clothes [Novoe plat'e korolya], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Urij Zhelyabuzhskij
Screenwriter       Urij Zhelyabuzhskij
Gans Kristian Andersen
Operator       Urij Zhelyabuzhskij
Artist       Sergej Kozlovskij
Genre       Short film
Actors       Dmitrij Gundurov
Vitalij Lazarenko
Anatolij Nelidov
V. Ryabcev
Rating       10.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

Father and son [Otec i syn], 1919

Father and son | Otec i syn

Father and son [Otec i syn], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Ivan Perestiani
Premiere date (Russia)       February 23, 1919
Actors       Ivan Perestiani
Rating       0.00

Peter and Alex [Petr i Aleksej], 1919

Peter and Alex | Petr i Aleksej

Peter and Alex [Petr i Aleksej], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Urij Zhelyabuzhskij
Screenwriter       Urij Zhelyabuzhskij
Dmitrij Merezhkovskij
Actors       Leonid Leonidov
Rating       7.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

Sun festival [Prazdnik solnca], 1919

Sun festival | Prazdnik solnca

Sun festival [Prazdnik solnca], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Screenwriter       Anatolij Kamenskij
Operator       Ivan Frolov
Genre       Drama [play]
Actors       Kseniya Desni
Boris Borisov
Rating       0.00

Mironov process [Process Mironova], 1919

Mironov process | Process Mironova

Mironov process [Process Mironova], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Dziga Vertov
Genre       Documentary
Short film
Duration       13 min.
Rating       0.00
IMDB Rating       5.50 / 10 [votes: 10]

Punin and Baburin [Punin i Baburin], 1919

Punin and Baburin | Punin i Baburin

Punin and Baburin [Punin i Baburin], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Aleksandr Ivanovskij
Premiere date (Russia)       October 18, 1919
Actors       Vera Orlova
Rating       10.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

Sawa [Savva], 1919

Sawa | Savva

Sawa [Savva], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Cheslav Sabinskij
Screenwriter       Cheslav Sabinskij
Leonid Andreev
Operator       Mihail Vladimirskij
Premiere date (Russia)       May 1, 1919
Rating       10.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

Brave [Smel'chak], 1919

Brave | Smel'chak

Brave [Smel'chak], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Mihail Narokov
Nikandr Turkin
Screenwriter       Anatolij Lunacharskij
Operator       Evgenij Slavinskij
Premiere date (Russia)       February 23, 1919
Actors       Alperov
Vladimir Gardin
Mihail Narokov
Rating       8.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

Episode of the Civil War: the protagonist, acrobat Ivan Baev, organize the release of the revolutionaries in the White Guard torture chambers.

Queen's mystery [Tajna korolevy], 1919

Queen's mystery | Tajna korolevy

Queen's mystery [Tajna korolevy], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Yakov Protazanov
Screenwriter       Yakov Protazanov
Artist       Vladimir Balluzek
Premiere date (Russia)       November 5, 1919
Duration       50 min.
Actors       Natal'ya Lisenko
Ivan Mozzhuhin
Nikolaj Rimskij
Iona Talanov
Rating       8.00 / 10 [votes: 2]

On the novel by Elinor Glyn "Three weeks".

At first hope, then blind jealousy [To nadezhda, to revnost' slepaya], 1919

At first hope, then blind jealousy | To nadezhda, to revnost' slepaya

At first hope, then blind jealousy [To nadezhda, to revnost' slepaya], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Yakov Protazanov
Operator       Fedot Burgasov
Artist       Aleksandr Loshakov
Genre       Drama [play]
Premiere date (world)       December 5, 1919
Actors       Vladimir Gajdarov
Nikolaj Rimskij
Ol'ga Uzhakova
Rating       0.00

Comrade Abram [Tovarish Abram], 1919

Comrade Abram | Tovarish Abram

Comrade Abram [Tovarish Abram], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Aleksandr Razumnyj
Screenwriter       Feofan Shipulinskij
Operator       Aleksandr Razumnyj
Artist       Aleksandr Razumnyj
Editor       Mihail Shnejder
Genre       Short film
Premiere date (Russia)       February 23, 1919
Duration       20 min.
Actors       Petr Baksheev
Dmitrij Buhoveckij
Vera Orlova
Polikarp Pavlov
Rating       4.00 / 10 [votes: 2]

The film tells of a young Abram Hersh, who survived the pogrom and became factory workers, activists, and then Commissioner of the Red Army.

Black flock [Chernaya staya], 1919

Black flock | Chernaya staya

Black flock [Chernaya staya], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Yakov Protazanov
Rating       0.00

Asiada [Aziade], 1918

Asiada | Aziade

Asiada [Aziade], 1918
Year       1918
Country       Russia
Director       Iosif Sojfer
Screenwriter       Iosif Sojfer
Operator       Aleksandr Stanke
Actors       Margarita Froman
Mihail Mordkin
Nikolaj Vashkevich
Rating       7.00 / 10 [votes: 2]

Bal of the Lord [Bal gospoden], 1918

Bal of the Lord | Bal gospoden

Bal of the Lord [Bal gospoden], 1918
Year       1918
Country       Russia
Director       Viktor Turzhanskij
Screenwriter       Viktor Turzhanskij
Operator       Nikolaj Kozlovskij
Artist       N. Denisov
Sergej Kozlovskij
Genre       Drama [play]
Premiere date (Russia)       January 1, 1918
Duration       54 min.
Actors       Vitol'd Polonskij
Aleksandr Cheban
Natal'ya Kovan'ko
V. Popov
Kira Vadeckaya
Rating       7.00 / 10 [votes: 2]

Lady and the Hooligan [Baryshnya i huligan], 1918

Lady and the Hooligan | Baryshnya i huligan

Lady and the Hooligan [Baryshnya i huligan], 1918
Year       1918
Country       Russia
Director       Evgenij Slavinskij
Vladimir Mayakovskij
Screenwriter       Vladimir Mayakovskij
Edmondo De Amichis
Operator       Evgenij Slavinskij
Artist       Vladimir Egorov
Genre       Short film
Drama [play]
Premiere date (Russia)       May 1, 1919
Duration       45 min.
Actors       Vladimir Mayakovskij
Aleksandra Rebikova
Fedor Dunaev
Rating       7.50 / 10 [votes: 208]
IMDB Rating       6.70 / 10 [votes: 52]

Venue story moved to the pre-revolutionary Russia. The story has undergone significant alterations. Mayakovsky emphasized the contradictions in the character of the hero: the combination of anarcho-individualistic rebellion with a touching love dedicated to the teacher.


Mayakovsky was really a genius.

Make a film, at a time, on the subject of love ...

Striking his image - a street bully, disheveled, just rejoicing life.

He always smoked a cigarette, and it is a notorious villain in the teeth, diseased love, looked very lyrical.

The main character falls in love with a teacher from the local school, a few times to bully, and once and for standing up for her. It "interferes" with the same - a group of people of all beliefs. After futile attempts to win the hand of his beloved character, he dares to challenge these bullies and they score it to death. But he still has time to kiss your love ...

I think, Vladimir Vladimirovich. During this death experienced deja vu: I once again proved that the great poet, probably killed, and it was like in this movie.

His talent and originality of "unprofitable" proletarian society.

Well ... his voice is still, Mayakovsky much left behind.

He will be back ...

Runners [Beguny], 1918

Runners | Beguny

Runners [Beguny], 1918
Year       1918
Country       Russia
Director       Aleksandr Chargonin
Operator       Urij Zhelyabuzhskij
Artist       Viktor Simov
Genre       Drama [play]
Duration       65 min. / 01:05
Actors       Sergej Golovin
Nadezhda Bazilevskaya
Tat'yana Kraskovskaya
Maria Kryshanovskaya
P. Romanov
G. Sarmatov
A. Vyrubov
Rating       10.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

Drama series of revelatory "seeking God" dedicated sect "runners". Second movies "Whips" and "White Doves."

White and Black [Beloe i chernoe], 1918

White and Black | Beloe i chernoe

White and Black [Beloe i chernoe], 1918
Year       1918
Country       Russia
Director       Aleksandr Razumnyj
Operator       Grigorij Giber
Premiere date (Russia)       January 1, 1918
Actors       Ol'ga Belyaeva
Ol'ga Kondorova
Elizaveta Pofir'eva
Vladimir Strizhevskij
Rating       8.50 / 10 [votes: 2]

White doves [Belye golubi], 1918

White doves | Belye golubi

White doves [Belye golubi], 1918
Year       1918
Country       Russia
Director       Nikolaj Malikov
Screenwriter       U. Spasskij
Operator       Urij Zhelyabuzhskij
Artist       Viktor Simov
Genre       Drama [play]
Premiere date (world)       April 3, 1917
Duration       77 min. / 01:17
Actors       Aleksandr Chargonin
Ol'ga Obolenskaya
Fedor Dunaev
Bronislava Rutkovskaya
Ivan Lazarev
Rating       8.00 / 10 [votes: 3]

"White Doves" - the name of sect, founded in Moscow during the reign of Alexander I "prophet" of God Kondraty Selivanov.