Friday, January 25, 2013

Battle in Tsaritsyn [Bitva v Caricyne], 1920

Battle in Tsaritsyn | Bitva v Caricyne

Battle in Tsaritsyn [Bitva v Caricyne], 1920
Year       1920
Country       Russia
Director       Dziga Vertov
Rating       8.00 / 10 [votes: 2]

In the days of the struggle [V dni bor'by], 1920

In the days of the struggle | V dni bor'by

In the days of the struggle [V dni bor'by], 1920
Year       1920
Country       Russia
Director       Ivan Perestiani
Screenwriter       Ivan Perestiani
Operator       Nikolaj Kozlovskij
Actors       Andrej Gorchilin
Vsevolod Pudovkin
Nina Shaternikova
Feofan Shipulinskij
Rating       1.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

The capture of the Winter Palace [Vzyatie Zimnego dvorca], 1920

The capture of the Winter Palace | Vzyatie Zimnego dvorca

The capture of the Winter Palace [Vzyatie Zimnego dvorca], 1920
Year       1920
Country       Russia
Director       Konstantin Derzhavin
Aleksandr Kugel'
Nikolaj Evreinov
Operator       Boris Svetlov
Artist       Urij Annenkov
Premiere date (world)       November 7, 1920
Premiere date (Russia)       November 7, 1920
Rating       4.33 / 10 [votes: 3]

Screen adaptation of mass representation in Palace Square on November 7, 1920 with the participation of artists "Proletkult" and the crowd of several thousand people.

The village at the turn of [Derevnya na perelome], 1920

The village at the turn of | Derevnya na perelome

The village at the turn of [Derevnya na perelome], 1920
Year       1920
Country       Russia
Director       Cheslav Sabinskij
Operator       Aleksandr Rillo
Artist       Vladimir Balluzek
Rating       6.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

Children learn the elderly [Deti uchat starikov], 1920

Children learn the elderly | Deti uchat starikov

Children learn the elderly [Deti uchat starikov], 1920
Year       1920
Country       Russia
Actors       Nina Shaternikova
Eduard Kul'ganek
Rating       7.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

Agitator at home [Domovoj agitator], 1920

Agitator at home | Domovoj agitator

Agitator at home [Domovoj agitator], 1920
Year       1920
Country       Russia
Director       Urij Zhelyabuzhskij
Screenwriter       Ivan Novikov
Operator       Urij Zhelyabuzhskij
Artist       Vladimir Egorov
Genre       Drama [play]
Actors       Dzh. Budzhalov
A. Solov'ev
Nikolaj Kostromskoj
E. Sokolova
M. Kudelko
Nikolaj Hmelev
Boris Dobronravov
I. Lavin
A. Karcev
Rating       5.25 / 10 [votes: 4]

Propaganda film urging farmers to take the bread in the city to maintain the proletariat. The Civil War. In Moscow, the fuel and food crisis. Old wooden house taken for firewood. "At home" persuading workers to leave Moscow and delivers it to a village where he lives working brother - Andrew. One unwelcome encounters hungry brother. Then the "at home" takes Andrew on one of Moscow's factories. Ashamed before the starving proletariat, Andrew returns to the village and the agitating farmers to take grain to the state.

Lola [Lola], 1920

Lola | Lola

Lola [Lola], 1920
Year       1920
Country       Russia
Director       Vladislav Starevich
Screenwriter       Nikolaj Efros
Actors       Vladimir Gajdarov
Ol'ga Gzovskaya
Rating       0.00

Mother [Mat'], 1920

Mother | Mat'

Mother [Mat'], 1920
Year       1920
Country       Russia
Director       Aleksandr Razumnyj
Screenwriter       Maksim Gor'kij
Operator       Aleksandr Levickij
Nikolaj Rudakov
Actors       Ivan Bersenev
Vladimir Karin
L. Sychova
Rating       7.40 / 10 [votes: 5]

On the red front [Na krasnom fronte], 1920

On the red front | Na krasnom fronte

On the red front [Na krasnom fronte], 1920
Year       1920
Country       Russia
Director       Lev Kuleshov
Screenwriter       Lev Kuleshov
Operator       Petr Ermolov
Genre       Documentary
Actors       Aleksandra Hohlova
Lev Kuleshov
Leonid Obolenskij
A. Rich
Rating       6.00 / 10 [votes: 2]

The Seven who were hanged [Rasskaz o semi poveshennyh], 1920

The Seven who were hanged | Rasskaz o semi poveshennyh

The Seven who were hanged [Rasskaz o semi poveshennyh], 1920
Year       1920
Country       Russia
Director       Petr Chardynin
Nikolaj Saltykov
Screenwriter       Petr Chardynin
Leonid Andreev
Operator       Grigorij Drobin
Aleksandr Grinberg
Artist       Nikolaj Suvorov
Aleksej Utkin
Genre       Drama [play]
Rating       10.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

The Thieving Magpie [Soroka-vorovka], 1920

The Thieving Magpie | Soroka-vorovka

The Thieving Magpie [Soroka-vorovka], 1920
Year       1920
Country       Russia
Director       Aleksandr Sanin
Screenwriter       Nikolaj Efros
Aleksandr Gercen
Operator       Aleksandr Levickij
Artist       Sergej Kozlovskij
Actors       Ol'ga Gzovskaya
Rating       7.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

Hveska [Hveska], 1920

Hveska | Hveska

Hveska [Hveska], 1920
Year       1920
Country       Russia
Director       Aleksandr Ivanovskij
Screenwriter       Feofan Shipulinskij
Operator       Aleksandr Levickij
Genre       Short film
Premiere date (world)       September 5, 1923
Premiere date (Russia)       September 5, 1923
Duration       28 min.
Actors       Ivan Perestiani
D. Gruzinskij
Mariya Uspenskaya
E. Elina
Nina Shaternikova
Rating       3.00 / 10 [votes: 1]

Member of Parliament [Chlen parlamenta], 1920

Member of Parliament | Chlen parlamenta

Member of Parliament [Chlen parlamenta], 1920
Year       1920
Country       Russia
Director       Yakov Protazanov
Screenwriter       Aleksandr Litvinov
Keterin Sesil T'urston
Producer       Dzhozef N. Ermol'eff
Operator       Boris Zavelev
Artist       Alexandre Lochakoff
Premiere date (world)       January 7, 1923
Duration       65 min. / 01:05
Actors       Ivan Mozzhuhin
Natal'ya Lisenko
Rating       6.40 / 10 [votes: 5]

Fugitive [Beglec], 1919

Fugitive | Beglec

Fugitive [Beglec], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Aleksandr Anoshenko
Boris Chajkovskij
Premiere date (Russia)       February 23, 1919
Rating       6.50 / 10 [votes: 2]

Autopsy relics Sergius [Vskrytie moshej Sergiya Radonezhskogo], 1919

Autopsy relics Sergius | Vskrytie moshej Sergiya Radonezhskogo

Autopsy relics Sergius [Vskrytie moshej Sergiya Radonezhskogo], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Dziga Vertov
Genre       Documentary
Duration       3 min.
Rating       4.88 / 10 [votes: 17]

Autopsy relics Sergius on April 11, 1919.


Anniversary of the revolution [Godovshina revolucii], 1919

Anniversary of the revolution | Godovshina revolucii

Anniversary of the revolution [Godovshina revolucii], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Dziga Vertov
Rating       5.67 / 10 [votes: 3]
IMDB Rating       4.50 / 10 [votes: 5]

Calvary women [Golgofa zhenshiny], 1919

Calvary women | Golgofa zhenshiny

Calvary women [Golgofa zhenshiny], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Yakov Protazanov
Operator       Nikolaj Rudakov
Artist       Aleksandr Loshakov
Genre       Drama [play]
Premiere date (Russia)       December 10, 1919
Actors       Vladimir Gajdarov
Natal'ya Lisenko
Rating       0.00

Sin and redemption [Greh i iskuplenie], 1919

Sin and redemption | Greh i iskuplenie

Sin and redemption [Greh i iskuplenie], 1919
Year       1919
Country       Russia
Director       Viktor Turzhanskij
Operator       Nikolaj Kozlovskij
Artist       Vladimir Simov
Genre       Drama [play]
Premiere date (Russia)       January 1, 1919
Duration       55 min.
Actors       P. Grigor'ev
Natal'ya Kovan'ko
A. Dmitrovskaya
S. Hovanskij
M. Iluinskaya
U. Zorovich
Viktor Petipa
Nikolaj Larin
Iona Talanov
Viktor Turzhanskij
Rating       5.67 / 10 [votes: 3]